The first is the scourge of the bird world, the Brown Cowbird. I've seen these birds a lot this year, which means many nesting songbirds are hosting unwanted guests in their nests. I guess it's part of the natural cycle.
Brown-headed Cowbird - 112 St near Boundary Bay, Delta BC
When I arrived at the dyke on 104 St. the first birds I noticed were Barn Swallows flying along the edge of the tide. This was my first opportunity in 2016 to take some photos of this common swallow.
Barn Swallow - 104 St, Boundary Bay, Delta BC
There were some shorebirds present, but the tide was out a bit and it was hard to get good photos.
Here's a collection of various sizes.
Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin and Western Sandpiper - 104 St, Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Whenever a non-birder sees someone with a camera, binoculars or spotting scope, they always want to tell us where to see Eagles and Great Blue Herons. Well I found these two Eagles here all by myself.
Bald Eagle (Imm) - 104 St, Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Bald Eagle - 104 St, Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Finally, I got a shot of this most common species. I sometime forget how attractive the Male Mallards are.
Mallard - 104 St, Boundary Bay, Delta BC
That was it for this evening, the Barn Swallow was the best sighting of the night for me as I got to check it off on my 2016 spreadsheet.
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