I was informed by Vari, the woman who greets guests at the ticket booth, the the Sandhill Crane chick had survived this year and was wandering about the sanctuary with its parents. As I was heading in, I saw these three cranes and I believe the one on the left is the chick. I could be totally wrong on this assumption.
Sandhill Cranes - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
There were some shorebirds about in the West Field but not close enough for photos. As I was walking I noticed this Barn Swallow just outside an open shelter just off the trail.
Barn Swallow - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
I ducked into the shelter to see what was in there and was surprised to see a nest full of chicks. It was too close for my lens, so I got my phone ready and ducked in for a second and got this shot. I think there were four in the nest. The look pretty close to fledging.
Barn Swallows - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
A bit further along I saw this recently fledged Tree Swallow, with parents nearby.
Tree Swallow - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
There wasn't much other bird activity, so I tried to get some nice profiles of the ducks that were around. I always admire the lovely female Wood Duck.
Wood Duck (F) - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
And here was a cooperative female Mallard.
Mallard (F) - Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
I left Reifel and took a side trip to the Tsawwassen Ferry jetty. There had been reports of 50+ Caspian Terns in the Compensation Lagoon on the north side of the Causeway. I pulled into the taxi spot and was lucky that there were some spaces.
A short walk to the Lagoon and I was rewarded, I counted 85 Caspian Terns. Photo conditions were challenging, but I got a couple of shots of a lone tern hunting closer to my position.
Caspian Tern - Tsawwassen Ferry Jetty, Delta BC
Caspian Tern - Tsawwassen Ferry Jetty, Delta BC
That was the end of my day, the Terns were the first for the year, a nice addition to the 2016 list.
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