Friday, October 7, 2016

Late August - Cheam Lake and Iona

This is another post covering different outings.

August 25 - Cheam Lake and Chilliwack

I had the day off for another afternoon golf outing in Chilliwack, so I joined up with my friend Mary-Jean again for some morning birding. We decided to go to Cheam Wetlands Regional Park near Popkum (Bridal Falls) first as we'd had good luck there in June.

This time it was fairly quiet. It was a sunny with no clouds, but the light was challenging. The few birds we saw mostly had us looking into the sun. The first bird seen was this female House Finch.

House Finch (F) - Cheam Wetlands Regional Park, Popkum BC

There were a couple of Belted Kingfishers flying around and announcing themselves loudly. Once again, this shot was taken from a distance with the poor lighting conditions.

Belted Kingfisher - Cheam Wetlands Regional Park, Popkum BC

Our luck changed a bit when we spotted a Lincoln's Sparrow fairly close by. This was a lifer for Mary-Jean and my second sighting for the year. We both got good close-ups of it and the sun was in a good spot this time. It is one of the more attractive sparrows. 

Lincoln's Sparrow - Cheam Wetlands Regional Park, Popkum BC by Lou

Lincoln's Sparrow - Cheam Wetlands Regional Park, Popkum BC by Mary-Jean Payeur

We left Cheam and drove into Chilliwack to visit Island 22 Regional Park. As we were driving in we spotted Turkey Vultures circling over the farmlands. When we turned into the Park road, Mary-Jean spotted one across the river. We stopped the car and I took this photo with my IPhone and spotting scope.
Turkey Vulture and Glacous-winged Gull, Chilliwack BC

When I went to start my car, the battery was dead. We did a quick walk into the park, but the day was now hot and there was not a bird to be seen or heard. 

I found someone to jump start the car, and I dropped Mary-Jean off and went and played golf. 

PS - the battery was replaced a couple of days later.

August 28 - Iona Revisited

Another Sunday morning at Iona Regional Park Settling ponds. There were reports of Buff-breasted Sandpiper here the previous couple of days, a bird I had only seen once in 2013. I'd have no luck with that bird on this day.

Three was lots of activity but most of it was caused by Savannah Sparrows, which were out in good numbers. Here's one of the better photos.

Savannah Sparrow - Iona Regional Park, Richmond BC

I also took a nice close up of a Lesser Yellowlegs. A previous post showed the Greater Yellowlegs, this one is noticeably smaller and the bill length is about the same as the head. I'm open to corrections on this.

Lesser Yellowlegs - Iona Regional Park, Richmond BC

There was one other smaller shorebird present in good numbers. The Baird's Sandpiper is a bit bigger than the Western and has buffy colouring. The wings are quite long and project past the tail.

Baird's Sandpiper - Iona Regional Park, Richmond BC

That's it for this post, the next few posts will be mostly Boundary Bay shorebirds.

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