My first sighting was an American Robin, showing the quality of the light.
American Robin - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
A common bird in the winter is the Golden-crowned Sparrow. This is probably a first winter bird.
Since this post is supposed to be about raptors and Owls, here's an adult Bald Eagle that flew overhead.
Bald Eagle - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Next, I heard a loud commotion overhead and saw two juvenile Bald Eagles, one chasing the other. I don't know if this was a sibling battle or if food was involved, but the higher one definitely was the chaser and seemed to have the advantage.
Bald Eagle - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
North of 72nd St just off the dike is a BC Hydro Electrical compound. The Owls like to come here and perch on the fence posts.
BC Hydro Compound - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
It's also a good location for Northern Harriers looking to steal prey from the smaller Owls.
The Short-eared Owls were actively hunting, but were staying out in the open field just out of camera range. One did fly a bit closer in allowing me to take this shot.
Short-eared Owl - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Finally this or another Owl came into the compound and landed on one of the taller posts in the back. I had time to get off a couple of shots using the super zoom on the Nikon. This is a bit soft, but the best of the day.
Short-eared Owl - Boundary Bay, Delta BC
This was the only close-up opportunity for the day. I took some other shots as the sun faded but nothing that would follow this one very well.
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